Friday, July 12, 2013

Announcement: Water Under the Bridge

Greetings, faithful readers of Iron Wyvern! You may be wondering why the template of the blog has changed, or why there is a new tab at the top, reading "Water Under the Bridge." The truth is, my fellows, that we have come up with a new project, and are beginning to wrap up The Draconian Letters. Smok is getting quite old now, and growing more and more independent of his squabbling uncles, so we have come together and decided that it is time to end The Draconian Letters. After the next few series of letters are posted in a prompt fashion, we shall begin our new project. Introducing...drumroll now...

Water Under the Bridge

Featuring trolls and trouble, contractors and castles, goats and gremlins, and three controversial and very competitive characters at the heart of it all: "Honest" Bingo Gobspit, Ferkil Gruntsnort, Ferdy Snotdrop, and their mutual contact, Lout. Read more at the Water Under the Bridge tab above!

We have also changed the motto under the blog title. It reads (in Armenian) "Don't be polite, it's bad for you," as a tribute to trollish culture. We hope you enjoy the finale of the dear and long-lived Draconian Letters and the beginning, the premiere, the dawn, the threshold, the realization, of Water Under the Bridge! We hope you like it!

-JTZ Baner (Executive Bloggers)


  1. Aw. I'm sorry to hear that the Draconian Letters will be ending soon, but I'll be looking forward to this new series. It sounds interesting. (Though not quite as awesome as the Draconian Letters- though that might be because I'm biased.)

  2. Actually the Letters won't be ending for several more installments. Oh and don't be so fast to fortify your dislike for Water Under the Bridge, possibly it will be exactly as good as the Draconian Letters!!

  3. Sounds exciting! I'll be looking forward to it. :)
