Prone Manticore Mass Escape:
48 hours ago there was a large
scale escape from Kenny’s Institute for
the Permanently Bespiked in which thirty brawny Manticores literally kicked
down the door and proceeded to muscle their respective bulks into every open
store and terrorize every moving being in the surrounding village of entwore including a severe case
where a Shiatsu sprang up a chimney and an old lady was chased shrieking into a
cauldron of treacle.
make matters worse (MUCH worse) prior to their rampage the Manticores broke
into the institute’s kitchen and raided the fridge and larder. Quite
unfortunately for the townsfolk, the beasts found a still hot vat of chili
along with several hundred pounds of sausage.
most of the night the now gassy monsters terrified the surrounding towns and
villages and filled the streets with hideous clouds of vapor that would take
ten years off a man’s life if inhaled.
this drastic situation was the next day stopped when a contingent of elves
sporting protective masks from the Faery Corps subdued the deadly-in-unseen-ways
Manticores and sent them packing with an armed escort back to the now
renovating Institute.
a happy ending, of sorts:
Faery Corps had to send in a squad of brownies with a giant vacuum to destroy
the dissipated but still dangerous clouds of vaporous stench. Also the rueful
military distributed gas masks to the victimized towns to defend them from the
un-sucked clouds. Their budget will be feeling that for many a cycle, I can
guaranty that.
I had a scary moment when I thought a chili, hot dog eating Manticore had snuck into my brothers room. It turned out to only be their socks.